Why Is My AC Filter Turning Black?

Your air conitioner filter is necessary to prevent dust and debris from settling on and possibly damaging delicate HVAC components. If you purchase a higher-efficiency filter, it also removes tiny airborne particles to clean your indoor air.

As your AC filter traps pollutants, it starts to become clogged. This blocks airflow, reducing system efficiency and possibly causing overheating or other issues. Plan to replace your air conditioner filter every one to three months or according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to avoid these problems.

Things That Cause an AC Filter to Turn Black

When you replace your AC filter, you may notice it isn’t just clogged—it has turned completely black! Under normal conditions, the filter should collect grey-colored dust and debris. If the filter is black, here are the possible causes.

Candle Soot

Black soot is a byproduct of burning candles, especially scented candles. If this is the reason your AC filter is turning black, you may also notice soot stains on the walls, carpet, and furniture.

The best way to prevent candle soot from turning your AC filter black is to stop burning scented candles altogether. But if you love your candles and want to continue enjoying their scent, follow these helpful tips:

  • Choose candles that feel hard to the touch at room temperature, a sure sign of fewer impurities and therefore less soot.
  • Trim the wick to one-quarter inch before lighting the candle each time.
  • Avoid buying candles with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil mixed into the wax.
  • Keep airflow around the candle to a minimum to reduce soot production.

Gas Water Heater Soot

Anything powered by natural gas—including your furnace, gas fireplace, and water heater—can produce soot if it operates improperly. Since you’re unlikely to run the furnace or fireplace in the summer, the water heater is the most likely appliance to cause a black AC filter.

Check the color of the water heater’s flames to see if it’s burning cleanly. You want to see a blue flame, which indicates a clean burn and no soot. A yellow or flickering flame could mean you have a problem. To reduce the soot coming from your gas water heater, call a technician to clean the burners and remove any debris blocking oxygen flow.


When you run your AC unit, condensation collects on the evaporator coil. This moisture can transfer to the filter where black, sooty mold can begin to grow. Replace the filter as frequently as once a month to prevent this.

Schedule Air Conditioner Services in Cincinnati

If you’re concerned about the condition of your air conditioner air filter, give Rick’s Heating & Cooling a call. We’ll assess the problem and possibly recommend a different type of filter to better meet your home’s air filtration needs. We can also tell you about our indoor air quality products that can help clean up your air even more, including air purifiers and whole-house humidifiers.

To work with a company that has over 30 years of experience serving Cincinnati and the surrounding areas in southwestern Ohio, contact Rick’s Heating & Cooling today. We deliver all the HVAC services you need to stay cool and comfortable this summer.

Best Thermostat Setting for Spring

As we head into spring and summer, now is an excellent time to start thinking about what steps you need to take to set your home’s thermostat at the right temperature. Rick’s Heating & Cooling has compiled a short list of tips and tricks to keep your home cool and help you save money on your energy bills.

4 Tips for Setting Your Thermostat in Spring

Below, we’ve listed four simple things you can do to ensure your home will be comfortable throughout spring. By doing these small tasks, you’ll likely see big savings each month on your energy bill and make sure your home’s cooling system is running as efficiently as possible.

1. Know the Temperature Sweet Spot

In the spring, it’s best to set your home’s thermostat to the highest temperature you can while remaining comfortable. Generally speaking, 78 degrees is an ideal setting while you’re at home or when you’re sleeping. When you’re out for the day, 85 degrees is a good place to leave the thermostat until you return home.

2. Take Advantage of Programmable Thermostat Features

The only downside of setting your thermostat at 85 degrees while you’re gone is that you return to a warm and stuffy house that takes a while to cool down. Thankfully, there’s an easy way to get around that problem – programmable thermostats.

A programmable thermostat lets you change your home’s temperature based on your family’s schedule. Most programmable thermostats have four settings: Wake, Leave, Return, and Sleep. You can then schedule different settings for different times of the day as needed to ensure your home will be cool by the time you return.

3. Run Ceiling Fans

Using ceiling fans is a great way to make your home more energy-efficient and save money on your heating bills. On average, a fan can make a room feel 4 degrees cooler, so if your home is set to 78 degrees and you have a ceiling fan on in a given room, that room will feel like 74 degrees instead.

4. Use Open Windows to Your Advantage

Leaving your windows open on cool days is also a great way to naturally lower your home’s temperature, especially at night, as you won’t have to run your air conditioning while you sleep. 

Keep Cool With Rick’s Heating & Cooling

Rick’s Heating & Cooling has proudly served residents of the greater Cincinnati area for the past 30 years with an unsurpassed combination of excellent customer service and upfront pricing.

For more information on our air conditioning services, including thermostat installation, call 513-899-6005 or contact us online to learn more.

How Often Should I Change My Air Conditioner’s Air Filter?

An air conditioner is a big investment, so we know that you want to make sure yours is working properly all summer long! In addition to scheduling regular air conditioner tune-ups to make sure your system is running smoothly, the easiest thing that you can do on your own to keep your AC in tip-top shape is to clean or replace your air filter regularly.

How often is “regularly,” you ask? Well, it depends on a few different factors! Read on to learn more about how often you should be cleaning or replacing your air conditioner’s air filter based on your lifestyle and the different features of your Ohio home.

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Switching Your Thermostat From Heat to Cool

person changing the temperature of the thermostat on the wall

Every spring, the Ohio weather starts shifting from cold to hot. It’s around this time when many people turn on their air conditioner for the first time in months. Taking good care of your AC system requires a few steps before switching your thermostat from heating to cooling.

Consider these steps before you make the switch. You can keep your system working well all summer with the right steps.

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When to Turn on Your Furnace in Ohio

September in Ohio is always an exciting month. Football season begins, children go back to school, and fall is near. As the weather starts to cool, you may be opening up windows and enjoying the chilly air. You may even question whether or not you should turn on your furnace when temperatures drop at night. If you are unsure whether or not you should turn on your furnace, check out some basic tips below from Rick’s Heating & Cooling.

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