Winters in Ohio can be notoriously cold. When the seasons change, ensure your HVAC system is ready to keep you warm and cozy on even the coldest nights. We’ll walk you through the essential steps to get your system up and running at peak performance for maximum warmth and comfort.
Steps To Take
Change Your Filter
Your HVAC filter helps prevent dust, debris, and other pollutants from blowing through your ductwork. While the recommendation is to change filters every three months, we recommend you change them even more frequently if you are a pet owner or have allergies or asthma. Starting the season with a new and clean filter will help ensure that your system is operating efficiently and that you get superior heating.
Set Your Thermostat to “Heat”
Some thermostats may require you to manually change from cooling to heating once fall hits. If this is the case, make sure to do so once you’ve seen a steady drop in temperatures, signaling a consistent need for heat. Your thermostat can then work to keep your home at the ideal temperature. Want to streamline this step? Consider installing a smart thermostat that can switch from heating to cooling automatically!

Clean Your Burners
If you’ve ever noticed a bad odor in your home when you first turn on your furnace for the season, it’s likely due to dust and debris that has gathered on your burners. By cleaning your burners before you turn on your system, you’ll avoid this dusty odor and allow you to inspect burners for signs of issues like rust or misaligned components.
Check and Oil Your Blower
Your blower requires yearly oiling, and after sitting unused for many months, the beginning of the fall season is a great time to do so while also checking for any visible damage or debris. Yearly oiling helps keep your blower operating smoothly, and once you turn your system on, it’s always a good idea to listen for any unusual noises that may indicate you have an issue.
Need help with the maintenance items on this to-do list? Call us at (513) 899-6005 today, or schedule a time online for us to come by!
Uncover Your Heating Vents
Throughout the year, we often move furniture, decor, and other things in our home that can block heating vents. Before using your furnace, check that all heating vents are clear, as blocked vents limit the amount of heat brought into your home and pose a serious fire hazard.
Clear Your Chimney and Vents
During the warmer months, dirt, debris, and even small animals can enter your furnace vent or chimney. Before starting up your heating for the first time in the season, it’s a good idea to ensure that the vent or chimney is not blocked. This is also an ideal time to check for soot buildup in your chimney and clean it if necessary.
Test Your Safety Monitors
From smoke detectors to carbon monoxide monitors, your safety system can save your life, especially during the winter when furnace use increases these risks. Ensure all monitors have fresh batteries and test them to ensure they work properly. Don’t have detectors installed in all areas of your home? Purchase and install them today!
Get Professional Maintenance
Your heating system should receive annual professional maintenance. We recommend scheduling this in the fall to prepare for several months of consistent use. During a tune-up with one of your experts, we’ll thoroughly inspect and clean your system to help reduce the risk of breakdowns or repairs, increase your system’s energy efficiency, and help lengthen your furnace’s life span.
Contact Rick’s Heating & Cooling today to schedule your annual heating maintenance!